Yilan(sea line) 宜蘭海線


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Pay your money in Taiwan’s cash to driver in the tour beginning directly. 以台幣現金支付給司機

貨號: 09252024 分類:

Itinerary 行程表 :

  • Taipei hotel >Toucheng Taro ice > Seaside forest park > National center of traditional arts > Fenniaolin Fish Harbor >Legendary Pacific Coast Drive > Suao harbor > Jiaoxi hot spring hotel
  • 台北酒店 > 頭城芋頭冰> 八角亭海岸森林風景區 > 宜蘭傳藝中心 > 粉鳥林海灣 >太平洋海岸線觀景台 > 蘇澳漁港 > 礁溪溫泉住宿

Inclusions 包含事項:

  • Private driver’s service fee 私人司機服務
  • Car’s fuel cost, highway toll, parking fee 車子燃料,高速公路過路費,停車費
  • Transportation for entire tour 整天包車服務
  • Pick up and drop off in city 市區接送
  • Bottled water and umbrella 瓶裝水與雨傘


  • Meal 餐費
  • Admission fee 門票費
  • Accommodation 住宿費
  • Gratuity / tip (optional) 小費

Additional Information額外加收資訊:

  • Flexible itinerary 彈性行程表
  • Overtime fee 超時費:
    5 seat SUV 五人座: 450 NTD/per hour
    9 seat VAN 九人座: 550 NTD/per hour

Payment 付費:

  • Pay your money in Taiwan’s cash to driver directly. 直接以現金支付司機

Cancellation Policy 取消政策:

  • You can cancel your order one day before 06:00 am 一天前06:00 am即可取消您的訂單

5 seat SUV 五人座休旅車 : 5000 NTD/9H, 9 seat VAN 九人座商務車 : 6000 NTD/10H



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