Mittourism Taiwan tour car 享台旅遊包車

Taiwan Customized tour, car, Airport transportation and Guide-driver company

Company purpose 公司主旨:

Safty first

Safety 安全

  • Experienced Driver guide 年資十年以上的司導
  • Qualified professional driver license 每位司導都有政府驗證職業駕駛證
  • New car ( less 5 years ) 新車車齡皆低於五年
  • Free baby seat 免費提供三歲以下兒童安全座椅

legal vehicle 合法車輛

  • Cars have the legal car license 所有車皆有政府核發的營業用車牌照
  • Free passenger insurance 每位乘客都有投保六百萬的乘客保險
  • Tracing with GPS 衛星定位追蹤行程

Good Service 優質服務

  • Customized private tour itinerary 客製化旅遊行程
  • No Placement shopping spot 無置入性消費站
  • No smoking vehicle 無菸車輛

Popular Tour Option 人氣景點:
Please click the picture to check the itinerary 點選照片確認行程:

Departure : Taipei 台北出發:

Taipei-Taoyuan airport :1300 NTD /per vehicle

Taichung-Taoyuan : 3500 NTD /per vehicle

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 4000 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車: 6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車: 6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 5000NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車: 6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 5000NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車: 6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 6000 NTD/10H

9 seat Van 九人座車:7000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 4000 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 4000NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車: 6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:5600 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 4000 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3500 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車: 5500 NTD/10H

Departure:Taichung 台中出發:

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 4000 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 5000 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6500 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 3600 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 4000 NTD/9H

9 seat Van 九人座車:6000 NTD/10H

South of Taiwan from Taichung 南臺灣多天行程從台中出發:

5 seat SUV 五人座車: 39500 NTD

9 seat Van 九人座車: 51500 NTD

Connect with itinerary manager through

請聯絡行程規畫師: whatsapp/viber: +886965569057 

Vehicle Type 車型 & NOTICE 注意事項:

5 seat SUV 五人座休旅車

  • 1~4 persons for maximum (4位乘客)
  • 4 pieces of 24 inch luggage for maximum (4個24吋行李)

9 seat VAN 九人座商務車

  • 5~8 persons for maximum 5~8位乘客   
  • 8 pieces of 24 inch luggage for maximum (8個24吋行李)

Video 影片:

Picture of traveler 旅行者的照片:

Booking Policy 訂購政策 :

1.You may comfirm the booking 7 days more before your departure  date and pay the deposit to confirm the booking. 需在您的出發前七天確認行程

2. If you have an urgent order,please connect with Tour manager  and pay the deposit to confirm the booking. 如有急單,請聯絡行程規畫師,收取確認單以確認已安排車輛與司導

3.Connect with Tour manager ,by 請以下方式聯絡行程規畫師


Line : 0820nike

Viber : +886965569057

Wechat: Ceciliahsu0820

Please, write fully the following information 請填妥以下資訊欄:

  1. Name 名字 :
  2. Booking date 預訂日期 :
  3. How many pieces of  luggage/size 行李數量 :
  4. If you have a wheelchair 是否有輪椅 :
  5. How many people 總共人數 (包含嬰兒) :
  6. Your own itinerary 想去的行程 :
  7. Hotel name 酒店名字 :

Clearly,  let Yilin  know what you want and discuss with Yilin more,please. 請清楚地與行程規劃師討論想去的行程並獲得報價

Private driver’s service fee,driver’s meal,Car’s fuel cost, highway toll, parking fee,umbrella, bottles of water ,6 miilion each passenger insurance,pick up and drop off in city. 司導一名,司導餐費,車子油費,高速公路過路費,停車費,雨傘,瓶裝水(每位乘客一瓶),600萬的乘客保險,市區酒店接送

Meal,Admission fee,Accommodation,Gratuity / tip (optional) 旅客的餐費,住宿費,門票費,小費

1.Start and end time of trip can be adjusted according to your preference and duration set for this tour 可自由調整出發時間和行程結束的客下地點

2.Flexibility of trip is required as weather, traffic condition and other unexpected situations might affect the tour, and coverage of all locations in this tour cannot be guaranteed 依照氣候狀況與景點狀況可彈性調整

3.Overtime fee of 250 TWD per half hour (30 minutes) is required if trip exceeds duration set for this tour 超時費為每半小時加收250台幣

4.Gratuity / tipis optional but we recommend 10% if the driver’s service is good 可自行決定是否給司導小費

5.Modification to tour should be discussed with the driver directly 當下如有緊急狀況需與司導即時討論

6.Overloading is strictly prohibited by law Exceeding the rated number of passengers specified for the respective vehicles(overloading), driver has the right to no providing the service. 如有超載人數狀況,司導可依照法定限制拒絕承載

1.A small deposit is required when you make a booking.(100NTD for Each package fee paid by credit card in Paypal bill) 一天行程須收台幣100元訂金

2.The remaining balance is payable in cash (Local Currency) to the driver at the end of your trip.扣除剩餘金額以台幣現金付費給司導

3.If there is any dispute on payment that cannot be resolved directly with the driver, please contact Customer Support. 如在費用上有任何的爭議請洽客服

1 .In the event of any natural disaster such as typhoon, earthquake, flood, landslide that affect your confirmed trip and your safety, we might cancel your trip and refund your deposit. 如欲下列緊急事件:颱風,地震,土石流,戰爭等會影響行程安全之緊急狀況可取消訂單並退回所有訂金

2.If you cancel your confirmed trip 3 days or less before the trip departure date, none of your deposit will be refunded. 如再出發日前三天取消訂單則不退還訂金